Managed Network

Benefit from an omnipresent monitoring and analytics service that is focused on delivering 100% uptime of your network, security, and core business applications.

Managed Network & IT Analytics

Benefit from an omnipresent monitoring and analytics service that is focused on delivering 100% uptime of your network, security, and core business applications.

Focus on the IT tasks that bring real value to your business with Premysis Technologies Network Management that has been created to enhance and extend the capabilities of your internal IT teams.
Premysis Technologies will deliver an omnipresent monitoring and analytics service that is focused on obtaining 100% uptime of your network, security and core business applications.
Premysis Technologies Network Management provides an additional support overlay consisting of proactive monitoring tools and applications and dedicated service desk support agents. This helps to ensure your network runs at optimum performance, remains secure, and allows your in-house IT teams to focus on other initiatives that contribute to the ongoing success of your business.

Why choose Premysis Technologies Network Management?

  • Increase threat visibility
  • Reduce the risk of cybercrime with comprehensive active firewall and access point management, auto alerts and device status monitoring
  • Improve network performance
  • Proactive monitoring ensures greater levels of network availability and consistency of performance while a dedicated support resource ensures rapid fault management
  • Reduce hardware costs
  • Reduce the cost of maintaining aging hardware and expensive upgrades and receive economy-of-scale benefits with innovative enterprise tools otherwise out of budget

Call us to schedule an appointment to discuss the right solution for you.

(888) 980-8342

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